20+ Google Tips and Tricks You Must Know in 2020

20+ Google Tips and Tricks You Must Know in 2020

Are you feeling bored! Want to try something new. Here are 20+ amazing tips you are going to love this Google tricks to use in everyday life makes better.

Google is the most and the world’s largest search engine. About millions of searches are performed on Google every day, but there are some fun searches you can perform on Google that have some unexpected results. Google is full of hidden things unexplored until you search in different way.

1. Download movie for free

Everyone loves to watch movie. Simple trick to get the link of the movie you want to download just click “movie name Google drive or index of movie name” ex. “Parasite Google drive or index of Parasite” and here you go, watch your favorite movie now.

2. Get the flight live status

This Google trick is of great use when you are to check flight time. By this Google trick you can get exact departure and arrival. You can type the flight no in the Google search bar like to get the information of the flight.

3. Google underwater

You will have fun with this trick to do this go to the Google bar and type “ Google underwater”
and you will reach underwater and then type “ I’m feeling lucky” and search. The pond will be
filled by fishes. I hope you like this trick show your friends this trick and let them try too.

4.What is my IP address

With this Google fun trick, you can know your IP address. To know your IP address you have to
search “What is my IP" and you will see your IP address in the form of digits and alphabets as
shown in the image above. We have removed some part of the the IP address in the image above due to some security reasons but if you will try this trick on your device you get the complete IP address.

5. I'm Feeling Curious

 If you are feeling curious and want to know about everything or want to take a quiz then you can search for “I'm feeling curious" on Google to start a quiz. The question that Google will keep in front of you will we select from a quality website like Wikipedia, YouTube, Infoplease.com, and many more websites. Google will also tell you the correct answer will full explanation

6. Calculator

You can use Google for doing math calculations. For example, you can type 7*5*10 the Google
search bar to get the correct answer for this i.e. 45

7. Find my device

If you have lost your phone or want to see the exact location of your device just click “Find my
device” on Google bar you will get the exact location of your device. This will help you to find your device Find your phone and get the current location. This is one of the fun trick u can try.

8. Search for Images

You can search for any terms on google and get the relative and best result, but do you know that google fun tricks can also search for images, but do you know you can use Google image search to search any image on the internet. You can use this Google trick when you want to get information 
about any image. 
To use this feature - go to Google images and then click on the camera icon to upload your photo and then click on the search. You will get similar images that you had uploaded Google images. Check out the article on the best websites to download images for free.

9. Mirror Search


A rotated version of Google.com, kind of google tricks. Go to the search bar and type “ Google mirror” and you will find a rotated version of Google to elgoog.

10. Wizard of OZ

This is one of the best Google fun tricks you can do. You have to search for the "Wizard of OZ"
and then click on the red slippers.This will make Google do a barrel roll and it will go to turn black and white. After this, the red slippers will convert into the tornado and if you will again click on the tornado, a house will come out from the tornado and the Google search results will return to its original

11. Written words

Do you take a lot of time to just convert figures into word or you waste your precious time opening calculator and then finding it. Here is the simple way how you can use large number into written words. Go to the search bar and type the “number=english” ex “3444255252=English” isn’t it so simple within seconds you got the written words without struggling.

12. Pac man doodle

This is an amazing game that will start when u search “PAC-MAN Doodle” on Google search bar. To play this game u have to search for this term and then click play, after this the game will start.

13. Google guitar

Want to play guitar with google and enjoy here we go type “Google guitar” and start. The Google guitar can play 10 notes, starting with a low G and climbing up to a high B. To play, either strum over the doodle with your mouse or use the keyboard icon to play using, you guessed it, the keyboard. And its corresponding numerical key, starting at the low G string: 1 = G

14. Roll a dice


To roll a dice on the google search results you have to search for “Roll a Dice ". By this google 
fun tricks, you can play games without having any actual Dice. You can use this trick whenyou require dice and you are unable to find it.

15. Search For A Specific File Type


You can use this Google trick to find the file on the web exactly in the same file format that you
want as some tie we want to get theinformation in the form of .pdf, .mp3 or any other file types. With this Google search trick you can easily find the file format you are searching for by adding 
file type File format just after the main keywords.

16. File type Converter

You can use Google to convert any file type from .pdf to .word/.xls/.doc or vice versa. To do this click “PDF to word online converter” in Google search bar then just drop your file which u want to convert and download it.

17. Weather

Check the current weather and upcoming forecast for your location. Just type “weather”and you will get to see the details. Weather automatically locates and display your current forecast, hourly and 7 day forecast.

18. Search event

This Google trick is of great use when you search for an event such as “Diwali 2020” and 
you will get the detail of event you wanted to know without wasting anytime.

19. Flip a coin

Do not have a coin to flip, ask Google to do it for you. You can search “flip a coin " to make 
flip coin by google. Try this google fun google fun tricks yourself and tell us - "What result, you get?" in the comments.

20. Google in 1998

Google home pages were not always the same as it looks today, Google's home pages are made simpler and clean as compared to the home page of google in 1998. You can see how Google looked in 1998 by searching. You can use a fun website called the Way back Machine to see the older version and the whole history of any website, you have to just enter the URL of the website. Tell us which version of Google you liked

21. Tic Tac Toe


You can search for "Tic Tac Toe" on Google to play the game on Google. You can try this Google 
trick to play this game with your friends.
22. Play snake

Search for "play Snake" on Google and then click on the play to start the snake game. We are sure you must have played this game on your phone one now you can play on Google

23. Earth day Quiz


You can search for an "Earth Day“ to start a quite with some interesting questions related to you and after you will answer them all, Google will show you the animal that is similar to you characteristics like HoneyBAzer, Honey Bee, or a mantis shrimp.

There are amazing Google trick you can perform at any time. Now you know the Google. trick hope you share this with your friends and family



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1 July 2020 at 01:11 ×

Very informative thanks for sharing

Congrats bro Putul you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...